Does Everyone Get Wisdom Teeth?

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richlanddental @ 4:43 pm
An X-ray image of impacted wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are admittedly a little bit weird. They’re adult teeth, but they don’t come in for years after your other permanent teeth do, and they frequently need to be removed when they do. Stranger still, not everyone even gets them. So, how common are they, and why do you even get them in the first place? Here’s some interesting information about these fascinating extra molars!

Why Do You Get Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are essentially a spare set of molars. They come in between the ages of 17-25, but anywhere between five and 37 percent of people are missing one or more of them. Researchers believe that centuries ago, humans got wisdom teeth as replacements for worn-down back-molars. Thanks to early man’s diet, chewing tough meats and roots often eroded teeth, so by the time their wisdom teeth emerged, they needed a little help to continue chewing.

Today, however, we have many modern conveniences, such as better cooking methods, utensils for cutting, and even a wider variety of dietary options. These all make it much easier to chew foods, so we don’t actually need wisdom teeth anymore, but often, they still show up. Unfortunately, however, they are frequently more of a nuisance than anything else. They sometimes grow sideways, causing a condition called impaction that can push into your other molars and cause crowding and tooth breakage. Worse yet, even if they do grow in straight, they can be difficult to keep clean and prone to cavities and gum disease, so in many cases your dentist will recommend they be removed.

The good news is that because you don’t need your wisdom teeth, removing them will not cause any problems. In fact, it may even solve a few. If your dentist recommends extraction, be sure that you understand the importance of removing them so you can make an informed decision. Your oral health is important, and holding on to unnecessary teeth can leave your mouth vulnerable to increased cavities, gum disease, tooth breakage, and even crowding and bite problems.

About Our Practice

At Richland Dental, we want you to be a part of our family! We are proud to care for patients from 0 to 109, and we are honored to get to know you and help you improve your oral health. Whether you’re looking for a cleaning and exam, dental implants, or you’d like to have your wisdom teeth extracted, we’re here to help.

To schedule an appointment for wisdom teeth, please visit our website or call us today at 972-200-8006.

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