The All Time Strangest Dental Emergencies

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richlanddental @ 8:49 pm
Picture of a plant

When patients come to their dentist for a dental emergency, they’re sometimes a little bit worried that they’re going to be judged for their oral health. This is virtually never the case—the average dentist is mostly focused on restoring you to perfect oral health.

Moreover, the truth is that whatever problem you’re dealing with, it’s probably far from the most bizarre thing they’ve seen. If that sounds hard to believe, here are some of the strangest dental emergencies of all time.

Hey There, Sprout

A patient shows up with a fairly common complaint—a nagging pain in his tooth that doesn’t seem to fade. As is often the case, the dentist looks at the tooth and realizes that a root canal is the only solution.

However, when he opens up his patient’s tooth, he finds more than just an infection. It turns out that a tomato seed had gotten stuck in a cavity and begun to sprout!

Less-Than-Super Glue

Sometimes, it seems like superglue can fix just about anything. While that may hold true for your household appliances, that’s less true for your dental restoration.

One woman found this out the hard way when she tried to superglue her dental crown back in place. Not only was she unable to put her dental crown back in, she managed get glue trapped in her throat and sealed her mouth shut.

If you lose a dental crown, the best thing to do is to call a dentist. Whatever adhesives you have on hand simply aren’t going to cut it.

DIY Drill Job

This one in particular isn’t for the squeamish, and again falls in the category of “DIY dental care.”

Have you ever had a toothache so bad that you’d do anything to get rid of it? Well at least one person took it upon themselves to try and repair their own teeth with an ordinary power drill.

As you can imagine, this only made the situation worse; not only were they unable to fix the infection, they also managed to get the drill bit caught in their teeth for good measure.

If there’s one thing you’d want to take from these dental emergencies, it’s that you should see a professional to address your issue. They’ve seen it all, and will know exactly how to help you without making the situation worse.

About Our Practice

At Richland Dental, we feel like our experience is our greatest asset. We have been serving our community for well nearly 60 years, and after taking the practice over in 2019, Dr. Siddharth Talsania and Dr. Mansi Talsania have devoted themselves to continuing this long tradition of excellence. No matter what brings you to our dental practice, we can promise you that we’ll offer you the treatment you need to feel your best.

If you have any questions about a dental emergency, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (972) 200-8006.

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